

You will submit all the assignments in Gradescope.


  • Meet with your mentor on regular basis

  • Create slides consisting of your work updates and present to your mentor weekly during your mentor meeting

  • Regular team collaboration work (~15 hours a week)


You’re expected to contantly check your Purdue email and Microsoft Teams. Please visit this page for all accounts you have under Purdue.

Communication will help to drive your team and keep everyone connected. Creating connections is relevant to supporting your project. Please visit this page for more communication details.

Confidentiality of The Data Mine Corporate Partner Projects

It is important to note that you are working on real-world problems that your Corporate Partner is trying to solve. You have the opportunity to make a real impact with your Corporate Partner. Past work from Data Mine students has been put into production code!

With that being said, the work you do and the data you have access to must be kept fully confidential! Nearly all Corporate Partner students will be required to sign an NDA and/or IP agreement with the company. Even if you do not have to sign an NDA for your project, please keep the project details private. While each NDA will have unique terms, some basics include:

  • Do not move or copy the data from the original storage. Never email data, text it to your teammates, copy it to MS Teams, or put it in Google drive (or any other cloud storage system). For example, if the data lives on Anvil, do not move it off Anvil and do not move it to a different folder. including your home directory.

  • Do not share any screenshots of the data or any findings (graphs, pictures, etc.) from the project with those who are not on your team.

  • You cannot share things you learn from the data with anyone who is not working on the project. This includes your roommate, your parents, and your best friend.

  • Do not disclose project specifics to anyone, including:

    • In an interview for an internship or job

    • On your LinkedIn profile

    • Your family/friends/roommate/boyfriend/girlfriend/professor

  • Do not discuss the details of projects when you are in a public space. You should find a private place to join the weekly online team meetings. Also, be careful working on the project in a public space when others could walk by and see your screen.

  • If you ever have questions about what you can talk about, always ask your Corporate Partner Mentor first. If you’re ever in doubt about what to share it’s often best to not share initially and check with your corporate partner. They can help clarify any confusion.