REEU: Project Day 2 — 2023

How many crews include George Lucas in the role of director?

How many shows have more than 10000 episodes? Hint: Use the episodes table, and GROUP BY the show_title_id and use the condition HAVING COUNT(*) > 10000 at the end of the query.

(By "popularity", you can choose to either analyze the ratings or the number of votes; either way is OK with us!)

Hint: Friends has show_title_id = tt0108778.

Another hint: When you join the episodes table and the ratings table, you might want to add the condition e.episode_title_id = r.title_id

Another hint: You might want to have ORDER BY r.rating DESC LIMIT 3 at the end of your query, so that you are ordering the results by the ratings, and putting them in descending order (with the biggest at the top).

Identify the 6 movies that have rating 9 or higher and have 50000 or more votes.

For how many movies has Sean Connery been on the crew?

Revisiting the question about George Lucas: What are the titles of the movies in which George Lucas had the role of director?

Revisiting the question about the shows that have more than 10000 episodes, please find the primary_title of these shows.

(For this question, use rating for popularity, i.e., please focus on high rating values.)