REEU: Project Day 3 — 2023

Question 1

How many flights departed from O’Hare (ORD) and landed in Denver (DEN)?

Question 2

What is the Distance (in miles) of any individual flight from O’Hare to Denver?

Question 3

Consider only the flights that arrive to Honolulu (airport code HNL), i.e., for which Honolulu is the destination. What are the 10 most popular origin airports?

Question 4

Each airplane has a unique TailNum. Which airplane flew the most flights in 2005? Hint: If you strictly look at the TailNum values, you will need to ignore the top two results, because they are missing data.

Question 5

Which airplane flew the largest number of times from O’Hare to Denver? Hint: Again, if you strictly look at the TailNum values, you will need to ignore the top result, because it has missing data.

Question 6

What were the 10 most popular days of the year to fly in 2005 (where "popularity" is evaluated by the number of flights on that day)? Hint: You might paste together the year, month, and day of the flights.

Question 7

In which month are the average departure delays the worst? Hint: You might use a tapply function.

Question 8

Make a dotchart that illustrates the data from the previous question (about the average flight delays in each month).

Question 9

The UniqueCarrier is the airline carrier for the flight. If you add all of the miles flown (in the Distance) for each airline carrier, which carrier flew the most miles altogether in 2005? Hint: You might use a tapply function.

Question 10

Create your own interesting question about the 2005 flight data. What insights can you find?